On Friday, June 10th at 7:00PST, There will be a special 3 part streaming Rock and Roll Geek Show, featuring an interview with Doc Neeson, formerly of The Angels , and now performing in his solo project, called Red Phoenix. The podcast should post shortly after , as 3 separate files.

I will be playing music an hour or so before. The chat should be going as well.

Here are 3 ways to tune in to the stream:

1. Rock and Roll Geek Show Stream on Live 365 This will probably have the least amout of rebuffering

2. Download itunes playlist

3.You can also open up this URL in whatever music player you use:

Rock and Roll Geek Show 6/5/02 Podcast Ginger Interview

This is a two part interview with Ginger. We talk about the letter on the Wildhearts site and his new record that he was mixing as we spoke.

He also sent me a song to play on the show that no one has ever heard, so it is an EXCLUSIVE WORLD PREMIERE!

I play 2 new songs from the upcoming solo record and some of my favorite Ginger songs, all with his generous permission.

Click Here for Part 1.podcast-u2.gif

Click Here for Part 2.podcast-u2.gif