3 thoughts on “Indiecast

  1. well, ya know what they say, Wendy….business before pleasure 😉

    seriously, i think we all await with bated breath to hear the ‘Butler Does NYC’ episode of RnRGS! 🙂

  2. Michael-

    Email’s broke, so i gotta send this through your comment board.

    I’ve got my own podcast called “High Orbit” and lately I’ve been getting fed up with people calling their tunes “rock” or variations thereof when they don’t have so much as a single electric guitar in the song. Some of them are downtempo, acoustic, singer-songwriter ballads for shit’s sake.

    I’m curious if you’re as fed up as I am with this “everything qualifies as rock” phenomenon, and if you’d be up for sending a little audio comment (or email if you lack the time) to that effect.

    Drop me a line and let me know either way, if you please.


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